Altadena Library Foundation Endowment of the Pasadena Community Foundation
The Altadena Library Foundation Endowment is a designated endowment of the Pasadena Community Foundation, benefiting programming, facility support, and community engagement efforts of the Altadena Libraries.
This endowed fund will preserve and grow charitable assets in order to support our Altadena Libraries in perpetuity. Gifts made to this endowment are not donated, but instead invested for long-term growth, yielding interest that will eventually support our libraries with a permanent and ever-increasing source of financial support.
This endowed fund will preserve and grow charitable assets in order to support our Altadena Libraries in perpetuity. Gifts made to this endowment are not donated, but instead invested for long-term growth, yielding interest that will eventually support our libraries with a permanent and ever-increasing source of financial support.
Please note: This button will redirect you to the giving page for the Altadena Library Foundation Endowment of the Pasadena Community Foundation.